International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
IB er ei studiespesialiserende linje som fører fram til både generell og spesiell studiekompetanse. IB er et verdensomspennende skolesystem som har skoler i rundt 150 land. Senja videregående skole på Finnsnes har vært IB World School siden 2007.
Elevene som går på IB har:
- Færre fag og større faglig fordypning enn stud spes
- All undervisning på engelsk, med unntak av morsmål
- Kritisk tenking og samfunnsengasjement som egne fag
- Fokus på forskning i skolen
- Undervisning etter internasjonalt anerkjente læreplaner
- Vurdering og eksamener helt ulikt det norske systemet
- Godt klassemiljø med fokus på læring, respekt, kulturelt og språklig mangfold
Elever som ønsker å hospitere på skolen gjennom KUPP vil få en smakebit på hva IB er ved å gjennomføre en skoledag på linja. Skoledagen vil bli gjennomført sammen med våre IB-elever. Elever fra Sør-Troms som deltar, reiser med hurtigbåt mellom Harstad og Finnsnes. Programmet er lagt opp tilpasset dette.
Senja vgs betaler for billett på båten. Kontaktpersonen ved ungdomsskolen vil få nærmere informasjon om billetter. Elevene får også servert mat. Elever som kommer, må ha med seg skrivesaker og et åpent sinn – klar til å ta utfordringer sammen med oss.
Hjertelig velkommen!
Senja vgs was authorized as an IB World School in 2007 – the first of its kind in Northern Norway.
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is equivalent to the last two year of Norwegian “studiespesialiserende”. This programme prepares students for universities world wide. Students choose all their academic subjects themselves. In addition to the six academic subjects that they have over two year, they have three core subjects:
- Theory of Knowledge: a course in thinking skills and critical thinking
- Creativity Activity Service: Developing the whole human being and reflecting upon your development when doing something for others, fostering a healthy lifestyle and developing your creativity.
- Extended Essay: Based on individual research in of the academic subjects, students write an essay.
The IB is very focused on developing the learner’s learning skills and emphasizes both personal, social and academic growth of the individual and the group. Our philosophy is that through engaging in learning in an international school environment, we will experience that “other people, with their differences, can also be right” (IB Mission Statement).
In the IB, all subjects are taught in English apart from language classes that use the target language. The Diploma Programme has less subjects than the Norwegian national system, but go more in depth in each subject. The programme is academic challenging and requires good work ethics.
More information about the IB/ Mer informasjon om IB kan du finne her:
Lesson number
Thursday 7th November
Boat leaves Harstad
Arrival Finnsnes, bus to the school
Breakfast in the canteen (yoghurt)
Welcome – Vivian Jakobsen/IB students teambuilding
The Core: Active citizenship and critical thinking - with IB students and Larissa Johansen
History with Ulf Alexandersen
English – Crystal Nergård
Natural Sciences – Gøran Johansen
Natural Sciences – Gøran Johansen
Creativity – Activity - Service
Informal chat and relaxation with IB students
Bus leaves the school
Boat leaves Finnsnes
Boat arrives in Harstad
If the visiting students requires another form of transportation than the boat, this needs to be looked at.
The school will arrange for transportation and will, when the career advisor has informed the school about the number of students arriving, arrange with tickets for the boat and send them to the school. Senja vgs will give the visiting students breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Students must bring an open mind, paper and something to write with.
We, Senja vgs, are looking forward to welcoming you in Finnfjordbotn at our international programme – the only international school at secondary level in Troms County!!
Stein Erik Svendsen Vivian Jakobsen
Head of School IB Coordinator